Abandoned Mine Reclamation Fund

Agency: Department of the Interior – Office of Surface Mining Reclamation and Enforcement



To provide annual grants to States and Indian Tribes, on an equal basis from FY2022-FY2037, for abandoned mine land and water reclamation projects.

Bill Section:


New or Existing:


Potential Cost:     



Available until expended

Implementation Status/Rulemaking:   

On February 7, 2022, DOI announced the availability of $725 million in FY22 IIJA abandoned mine land (AML) funding. State eligibility is listed here: Source

DOI awarded $724.8 million in FY22 IIJA AML grants: Source

On June 1, 2023, DOI announce the availability of $725 million in FY23 IIJA AML funding. State eligibility is listed here: Source

DOI awarded $724.8 million in FY23 IIJA AML grants: Source

DOI also awarded $8 million in IIJA funding to States and Tribes for enhanced Abandoned Mine Land Inventory System (e-AMLIS) activities: Source

TCS Notes:

Unlike traditional Abandoned Mine Land funding that has been distributed in the past, funding under the IIJA may be used to design, build, operate, maintain, and rehabilitate acid mine drainage facilities that are not in conjunction with a Priority 1 or Priority 2 site.

Up to 3% of total funding may be used for OSMRE Operations and 0.5% for Office of Inspector General (OIG) Operations. $25 million is reserved for financial and technical assistance to States and Tribes to make amendments to the inventory system for documenting eligible lands and waters. The remaining funds, approximately $10.873 billion, will be distributed to States and Tribes as AML grants