Agency: Army Corps of Engineers – Civil Works
Operation and Maintenance
Agency: Army Corps of Engineers – Civil Works Description: Funds inspection, operation, maintenance, and related activities for water resources projects operated and maintained by the Army Corps. These projects include navigation channels, navigation locks and dams, structures to reduce the risk of flood and storm damage (e.g., levees), and multi-purpose projects, as authorized in…
Flood Control and Coastal Emergencies
Agency: Army Corps of Engineers – Civil Works Description: Funds Army Corps preparedness measures, certain Army Corps operations during a flood, hurricane, or other natural disaster, and the repair of certain projects following such a natural disaster. Bill Section: Division J New or Existing: Existing Potential Cost: $251,000,000 Timeline: Available until expended Implementation…
Inland Flood Risk Management Projects
Agency: Army Corps of Engineers – Civil Works Description: This program funds the construction of projects that help to reduce the risk of damage in a flood, including $750 million for multi-purpose projects or programs that include flood risk management benefits as a purpose. Bill Section: Division J New or Existing: Existing Potential Cost:…
Inland Waterways Projects
Agency: Army Corps of Engineers – Civil Works Description: Funds the replacement and expansion of inland waterways commercial navigation projects, with priority for projects included in the Capital Investment Strategy of the Corps of Engineers. Bill Section: Division J New or Existing: Existing Potential Cost: $2,500,000,000 Timeline: Available until expended Implementation Status/Rulemaking: …
Major Rehabilitation for Rivers and Harbors
Agency: Army Corps of Engineers – Civil Works Description: Major Rehabilitation for Rivers and Harbors program is designed to fund the construction of authorized coastal navigation projects at ports and harbors, which includes the deepening and widening of Federal navigation channels. The aim of these projects is to enhance commercial navigation, thereby boosting commerce,…
Mississippi River and Tributaries
Agency: Army Corps of Engineers – Civil Works Description: Funds work on Federal projects to help reduce the risk of flood damage in the lower Mississippi River alluvial valley below Cape Girardeau, Missouri.$258 million will be used to address emergency situations at Corps of Engineers Federal projects caused by natural disasters. Bill Section: Division…