Agency: Department of Energy – Office of Clean Energy Demonstrations

  • Advanced Industrial Facilities Deployment Program



    Agency: Department of Energy – Office of Clean Energy Demonstrations   Description: Financial assistance to nonpower industrial or manufacturing facilities engaged in energy intensive industrial processes to purchase, install, or do other activities to implement advanced industrial technology designed to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Bill Section: 50161 US Code: 42 USC 17113a New or Existing:…

  • Grid Innovation Program



    Agency: Department of Energy – Office of Clean Energy Demonstrations   Description: To provide federal financial assistance to demonstrate innovative approaches to transmission, storage, and distribution infrastructure to harden and enhance resilience and reliability; and to demonstrate new approaches to enhance regional grid resilience. Bill Section: 40103(b) Potential Cost:      $5,000,000,000 TCS Notes: The DOE’s…

  • Industrial Emission Demonstration Projects



    Agency: Department of Energy – Office of Clean Energy Demonstrations   Description: To fund demonstration projects that test and validate technologies and processes that reduce emissions, leverage advanced technology, minimize the potential negative environmental impacts of manufacturing, or increase energy efficiency. Eligible projects may include the use of carbon capture technologies, hydrogen energy, or nuclear…