Agency: Department of Transportation
Highway Traffic Safety Programs
Agency: Department of Transportation Description: For supplemental highway traffic safety programs: $100 million for highway safety programs under 23 USC 402, $110 million for national priority safety programs under 23 USC 405, and $100 million for administrative and related operating expenses of the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. Bill Section: Division J New or…
Rail safety improvements
Agency: Department of Transportation Description: Provisions for rail safety improvements, notably through the Consolidated Rail Infrastructure and Safety Improvements (CRISI) Program designed to enhance the safety, efficiency, and reliability of both intercity passenger and freight rail systems with a focus on reducing congestion, facilitating ridership growth, improving short-line and regional railroad infrastructure, and addressing…
Amtrak Funding – NEC
Agency: Department of Transportation Description: Provides financial support for Amtrak’s operations within the Northeast Corridor (NEC). The program supports a range of improvements, including reduced trip times, increased train frequencies, higher operating speeds, improved reliability, expanded capacity, reduced congestion, electrification, and other enhancements as determined by the Secretary. This funding is part of the…
RAISE Grants
Agency: Department of Transportation Description: Rebuilding American Infrastructure with Sustainability and Equity (RAISE) Grants, which are competitive grant programs designed to fund critical transportation infrastructure projects across the country. The RAISE Grants, previously known as BUILD and TIGER grants, support road, rail, transit, and port projects. Bill Section: Division J New or Existing: Existing…
Railroad Crossing Grants
Agency: Department of Transportation Description: Allocates $3 billion over five years for Railroad Crossing Grants to enhance safety at railroad crossings. The funds are intended to eliminate hazards at public and private railroad-highway crossings, particularly those that are not equipped with active warning systems. The program supports the installation of protective devices, the construction…
Safe Streets and Roads for All (SS4A)
Agency: Department of Transportation Description: Introduces the Safe Streets and Roads for All (SS4A) discretionary grant program, aimed at supporting local initiatives to prevent deaths and serious injuries on roads and streets. This program focuses on funding high-impact strategies that improve safety across wider geographical areas, ensuring equitable investment in the safety needs of…
Culvert Removal Grants
Agency: Department of Transportation Description: Establishes the National Culvert Removal, Replacement, and Restoration Grant program (Culvert AOP Program) to provide funding for projects that would improve or restore fish passage. The funds are intended to replace, remove, repair, or improve culverts and weirs that would meaningfully improve or restore fish passage for anadromous fish.…
Transit Infrastructure Grants
Agency: Department of Transportation Description: Provides $4.75 billion for the State of Good Repair Grants, $5.25 billion for the Low or No Emission Grant Program, and $250 million for formula grants for the enhanced mobility of seniors and individuals with disabilities. Bill Section: Division J New or Existing: Existing Potential Cost: $10,250,000,000
SMART Grants
Agency: Department of Transportation Description: Introduces the Strengthening Mobility and Revolutionizing Transportation (SMART) Grants Program, which provides funding to eligible public sector agencies for demonstration projects that focus on advanced transportation technologies. The program is designed to improve transportation efficiency and safety, and it supports a range of technologies including coordinated automation, connected vehicles,…
Capital Investment Grants
Agency: Department of Transportation Description: The Capital Investment Grants (CIG) program provides financial assistance to localities for the construction or expansion of rapid rail, commuter rail, light rail, streetcars, and bus rapid transit systems, as well as corridor-based bus rapid transit investments that improve capacity and reliability in the public transportation system. Bill Section:…