Agency: Environmental Protection Agency
Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund: National Clean Investment Fund
Agency: Environmental Protection Agency Description: Grants to nonprofit financing institutions to finance clean technology deployment nationally. At least 40% of the funds from the National Clean Investment Fund will be dedicated to low-income and disadvantaged communities. Bill Section: 60103(a)(2)-(3) US Code: 42 USC 7434 New or Existing: New Potential Cost: $13,970,000,000 Timeline: …
Low-Embodied Carbon Labeling for Construction Materials
Agency: Environmental Protection Agency Description: To develop and implement a program to identify and label construction materials and products that have substantially lower levels of embodied greenhouse gas emissions. Bill Section: 60116 US Code: 42 USC 4321 New or Existing: New Potential Cost: $100,000,000 Timeline: FY22-26 Implementation Status/Rulemaking: On January 26,…
Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund: Clean Communities Investment Accelerator
Agency: Environmental Protection Agency Description: Grants to hub nonprofits to provide funding and technical assistance to public, quasi-public, not-for-profit, and nonprofit community lenders to finance clean technology deployment in low-income and disadvantaged communities. Bill Section: 60103(a)(3) US Code: 42 USC 7434 New or Existing: New Potential Cost: $6,000,000,000 Timeline: FY22-24 Implementation Status/Rulemaking: …
Environmental and Climate Justice Block Grants
Agency: Environmental Protection Agency Description: To provide grants and technical assistance to nonprofit organizations for air and other pollution-related efforts, investments in low- and zero-emission technologies (among others), mitigating climate and health risks, climate resilience and adaptation, reducing indoor toxics and air pollution, or facilitating engagement of disadvantaged communities. Bill Section: 60201 US Code:…
Low Emissions Electricity Program: Consumer-related education and partnerships
Agency: Environmental Protection Agency Description: For consumer-related education and partnerships with respect to reductions in greenhouse gas emissions that result from domestic electricity generation and use. Bill Section: 60107(a)(1) US Code: 42 USC 7435(a)(1) New or Existing: Existing Potential Cost: $17,000,000 Timeline: FY22-31 Implementation Status/Rulemaking: On November 4, 2022, EPA published…
Underground Injection Control Grants
Agency: Environmental Protection Agency Description: Establishes a grant program for the Environmental Protection Agency (Environmental Protection Agency) to award grants to states for the enhancement of underground injection control (UIC) programs, specifically for permitting Class VI wells for the injection of carbon dioxide. This section aims to support the development of carbon capture and…
Environmental Protection Agency Secure Geologic Storage Permitting
Agency: Environmental Protection Agency Description: Authorizes $5 million annually from fiscal years 2022 through 2026 for the Environmental Protection Agency (Environmental Protection Agency) to enhance the permitting process for Class VI wells, which are used for the geologic sequestration of carbon dioxide. The Environmental Protection Agency is responsible for the oversight and regulation of…
Clean School Bus Program
Agency: Environmental Protection Agency Description: Fifty percent of the funds are authorized for zero-emission school buses, and fifty percent of the funds are authorized for alternative fuels and zero-emission school buses. Funds may be prioritized for rural or low-income communities and entities that have matching funds available. Bill Section: 71101 New or Existing: Existing…
Recycling Education and Outreach Grant Program
Agency: Environmental Protection Agency Description: To provide grants to state, local, and Tribal governments, nonprofits, and public-private partnerships for projects that inform the public about residential or community recycling or composting programs, provide information about the materials that are accepted as part of residential or community recycling or composting programs, or increase collection rates…
Wastewater efficiency grant pilot program
Agency: Environmental Protection Agency Description: Grants to owners or operators of publicly owned treatment works to carry out projects that create or improve waste-to-energy systems. Bill Section: 50202 New or Existing: New Potential Cost: $100,000,000 Timeline: FY22-26 TCS Notes: Can designate up to 15 grant recipients. Eligible activities include sludge collection, anaerobic digesters,…