Agency: Department of Transportation – General Programs
Provides competitive grants to States, Tribes, local governments, metropolitan planning organizations, or nonprofit organizations to remove, retrofit, or mitigate highways or other transportation facilities that create barriers to community connectivity, including barriers to mobility, access, or economic development. The Secretary shall give priority to an application from a community that is economically disadvantaged.
$100 million for Planning Grants, which may cover activities such as planning studies and public engagement activities to provide opportunities for public input. $400 million for Capitol Construction Grants, which may only be awarded to projects for which all necessary feasibility studies and other planning activities have been completed.
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On February 28, 2023, the Department of Transportation (DOT) awarded $185 million in FY22 grants for 45 projects through the Reconnecting Communities Pilot Program: Source
On March 13, 2024, awarded $163.7 in FY23 RCP grants for 33 projects. Three projects recieved a combined $20 million funding under both the Reconnecting Communities Pilot Program and the IRA’s Neighborhood Access and Equity Grant Program. A full list of grantees is available here: Source