Promoting Resilient Operations For Transformative, Efficient, And Cost-Saving Transportation (Protect) Program – Discretionary

Agency: Department of Transportation – Federal Highway Administration



PROTECT Grants will support planning, resilience improvements, community resilience and evacuation routes, and at-risk coastal infrastructure threatened by climate change, sea level rise, flooding, extreme weather events, and other natural disasters.

Federal cost share is 80-20. Federal cost-sharing will be higher if the eligible entity develops a resilience improvement plan (or is in a state or area served by MPO that does) and the state or MPO incorporates it into its long-range transportation plan.

Bill Section:


New or Existing:


Potential Cost:     



Four Years

Implementation Status/Rulemaking:   

In April 2023, DOT announced the availability of $848 million for FY22 and FY23 of the PROTECT Discretionary Grant Program. The funding opportunity closed August 2023. Grantees have not yet been announced. Source