Competitive Grants for Non-Federal Land Owners: Wood Innovation Grant Program

Agency: Department of Agriculture-Forest Service



Grants under the Wood Innovation Grant Program, including for the construction of new facilities and to haul material removed for hazardous fuels reduction.

Bill Section:


US Code:

7 USC 7655d

New or Existing:


Potential Cost:     




TCS Notes:

No GHG emission reduction criteria requirements in statute. Funding for contracts and cooperative agreements, information technology, research and evaluation, oversight, and administrative expenses.

Section 23002 (including Climate Mitigation or Forest Resilience Grants, Non-Federal Landowners Carbon Sequestration Grants, and the Wood Innovation Grant Program) has a total budget authority of $550 million. CBO estimated outlays from FY22-31 are $545 million.

Other TCS Resources:

Biomass Subsidy Fact Sheet