Emergency Drought Relief For Tribes

Agency: Bureau of Indian Affairs



Funding for near-term drought relief for native/tribal entities that are impacted by the operation of a Bureau of Reclamation water project. Provides direct financial assistance, not subject to cost-sharing or match requirements, to address drinking water shortages and mitigate the loss of tribal resources.

Bill Section:


New or Existing:


Potential Cost:     




Implementation Status/Rulemaking:   

On Dec 12, 2023, the Bureau of Reclamation announced the availability of $12,500,000 funded through the Inflation Reduction Act. Grants for emergency drought relief must provide drought relief benefits within two years from the date of award and be completed within three years. The maximum award per project is limited to $500,000, and the maximum total awards per Tribe is limited to $1 million. Applications are due April 11, 2024: Source