Agency: Department of Transportation
$1.893 billion for competitive grants “to improve walkability, safety, and affordable transportation access” through construction and other projects, mitigate or remediate negative impacts from surface transportation facilities, and planning and capacity building activities, the latter two in disadvantaged or underserved communities. An additional $1.262 billion for the same activities in economically disadvantaged communities. $50 million for technical assistance, subgrants to local governments, and for other purposes.
Bill Section:
US Code:
23 USC 177
New or Existing:
Potential Cost:
Implementation Status/Rulemaking:
In August 2023, DOT issued a Notice of Funding Opportunity for the Reconnecting Communities and Neighborhoods Program, which includes two separate programs: the Neighborhood Access and Equity Program (Section 60501 of the IRA) and the Reconnecting Communities Pilot Program (Section 11509 of the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act). It is possible for projects to be eligible and considered for both programs using a single application. The NOFO offers $1 billion in IRA funds for Capital Construction grants, $135 million in IRA funds for Community Planning grants, and $450 million in IRA funds for Regional Partnerships Challenge grants. Applications are due September 28, 2023: Source
March 13, 2024, the Department of Transportation announced $3.15 billion in grants for 96 projects under the Neighborhood Access and Equity Grant Program. Three projects recieved a combined $20 million funding under both the Neighborhood Access and Equity Grant Program and the IIJA Reconnecting Communities Pilot Program. A full list of grantees is available here: Source
TCS Notes:
Three types of grants: Community Planning Grants, Capital Construction Grants, and Regional Partnerships Challenge Grants.