Wildfire Agency: NOAA
Oceanic and Atmospheric Research and Forecasting for Weather and Climate
Oceanic and Atmospheric Research and Forecasting for Weather and Climate Dept. of Commerce – NOAA Wildfire-Specific Spending: No Wildfire Activities Funded: Research Authorization: P.L. 117-169 150 TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS (IN MIL) FY2015 – FY2024 Description Funding from the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) to accelerate advances and improvements in research, observation systems, modeling, forecasting, assessments, and dissemination…
Computing Capacity and Research for Weather, Oceans, and Climate
Computing Capacity and Research for Weather, Oceans, and Climate Dept. of Commerce – NOAA Wildfire-Specific Spending: No Wildfire Activities Funded: Research Authorization: P.L. 117-169 190 TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS (IN MIL) FY2015 – FY2024 Description Funding from the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) for the procurement of additional high-performance computing, data processing capacity, data management, and storage assets…