Wildfire-Department: Dept. of Interior

  • DOI Post Fire Recovery

    DOI Post Fire Recovery Dept. of Interior – Wildland Fire Management Wildfire-Specific Spending: Yes Wildfire Activities Funded: Recovery Authorization: P.L. 117-58 100 TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS (IN MIL) FY2015 – FY2024 Description Funding from the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA) “for post-fire restoration activities that are implemented not later than 3 years after the date that…

  • DOI Preparedness

    DOI Preparedness Dept. of Interior – Wildland Fire Management Wildfire-Specific Spending: Yes Wildfire Activities Funded: Preparedness 3,600 TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS (IN MIL) FY2015 – FY2024 Description The DOI Preparedness line item funds firefighting resources and manages the capacity of assets and operations to respond to fire activities across the United States, including personnel and equipment such…

  • DOI Preparedness Workshops and Training

    DOI Preparedness Workshops and Training Dept. of Interior – Wildland Fire Management Wildfire-Specific Spending: Yes Wildfire Activities Funded: Mitigation, Preparedness Authorization: P.L. 117-58 50 TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS (IN MIL) FY2015 – FY2024 Description Funding from the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA) for preplanning fire response workshops that develop potential operational delineations and select potential control…