Agency: Department of Agriculture-Forest Service
Hazardous Fuels Reduction
Agency: Department of Agriculture – Forest Service Description: Provides funding for the Department of Agriculture’s Forest Service (USFS) specifically for Hazardous Fuels Reduction. This initiative is aimed at reducing the risk from wildfires by managing and reducing flammable materials in wildfire-prone areas. Bill Section: Division J New or Existing: Existing Potential Cost: $454,000,000…
Wildfire Roads Projects
Agency: Department of Agriculture – Forest Service Description: Forest Service funding to construct roads in and around high risk areas. Bill Section: Division J New or Existing: Existing Potential Cost: $100,000,000 Timeline: FY22-26 Other TCS Resources: Clearing the Smoke: A Closer Look at Federal Spending and Programs on Wildfire
Burnt Area Recovery
Agency: Department of Agriculture – Forest Service Description: Funding to repair damaged landscapes and infrastructure following a wildfire event. Bill Section: Division J New or Existing: Existing Potential Cost: $225,000,000 TCS Notes: This funding is available for post-fire restoration activities that are implemented within ten years after the ignition of a wildfire. Funding…
Ecosystem Restoration: National Revegetation Effort including National Seed Strategy for USDA
Agency: Department of Agriculture – Forest Service Description: To establish and implement a national revegetation effort on Federal and nonfederal land, including to implement the National Seed Strategy for Rehabilitation and Restoration. Bill Section: 40804(b)(9)(B) Potential Cost: $130,000,000 Timeline: FY22-26 TCS Notes: The National Seed Strategy is a collaborative effort of 12 federal…
Ecosystem Restoration: Site Restoration And Improvements for USDA
Agency: Department of Agriculture – Forest Service Description: To restore, prepare, or adapt recreation sites on Federal land, including Tribal forest land or rangeland, that have experienced or may likely experience visitation and use beyond the carrying capacity of the sites. Bill Section: 40804(e)(1) Potential Cost: $35,000,000 Timeline: FY22-26
Ecosystem Restoration: Public Use Recreation Cabins
Agency: Department of Agriculture – Forest Service Description: For the operation, repair, reconstruction, and construction of public use recreation cabins on National Forest System land and the repair or reconstruction of historic buildings. Bill Section: 40804(e)(2) Potential Cost: $15,000,000 Timeline: FY22-26
Wildfire Risk Reduction: Reverse-911 Telecommunication Systems
Agency: Department of Agriculture – Forest Service Description: To provide financial assistance to States, Indian Tribes, and units of local government to establish and operate Reverse-911 telecommunication systems. Bill Section: 40803(c)(4) Potential Cost: $30,000,000 Timeline: FY22-26 Other TCS Resources: Clearing the Smoke: A Closer Look at Federal Spending and Programs on Wildfire
Wildfire Risk Reduction: Map Depicting At-Risk Communities
Agency: Department of Agriculture – Forest Service Description: To develop and publish, not later than 180 days after the date of enactment of this Act, and every 5 years thereafter, a map depicting at-risk communities, including Tribal at-risk communities. The term “at-risk community” means a community within or adjacent to Federal land in which…
Wildfire Risk Reduction: Preplanning Fire Response Workshops And Workforce Training for USDA
Agency: Department of Agriculture – Forest Service Description: For preplanning fire response workshops and workforce training for staff, non-Federal firefighters, and Native village fire crews. Bill Section: 40803(c)(7)(B)(ii) Potential Cost: $50,000,000 Timeline: FY22-26 Other TCS Resources: Clearing the Smoke: A Closer Look at Federal Spending and Programs on Wildfire
Wildfire Risk Reduction: Southwest Ecological Restoration Institute
Agency: Department of Agriculture – Forest Service Description: To enter into an agreement with a Southwest Ecological Restoration Institute to compile and display existing data for hazardous fuel reduction or wildfire prevention treatments and for large wildfires, as well as facilitate coordination and use of existing and future interagency fuel treatment data. The Institute…