Wildfire-Office: Office of Air and Radiation
Wildfire Smoke Preparedness Grants
Wildfire Smoke Preparedness Grants EPA – Office of Air and Radiation Wildfire-Specific Spending: Yes Wildfire Activities Funded: Mitigation 18 TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS (IN MIL) FY2015 – FY2024 Description The Wildfire Smoke Preparedness Grants program provides 90% cost share grants to states, tribes, educational agencies, and nonprofit organizations to assess, prevent, or mitigate wildfire smoke hazards in…
AirNow Fire and Smoke Map
AirNow Fire and Smoke Map EPA – Office of Air and Radiation Wildfire-Specific Spending: Yes Wildfire Activities Funded: Research — TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS (IN MIL) Description The AirNow Fire and Smoke Map program, in collaboration with the U.S. Forest Service (USFS)-led Interagency Wildland Fire Air Quality Response Program, was launched in August 2020 to provide public…