Wildfire-Office: Science
Wildland FireSense
Wildland FireSense NASA – Science Wildfire-Specific Spending: Yes Wildfire Activities Funded: Research — TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS (IN MIL) Description Wildland FireSense is a 5-year effort to improve wildfire management through increasing research and data on Pre-Fire Fuels Conditions, Active Fire Dynamics, Post Fire Impacts, and Air Quality Forecasting. This project includes a competitive grant program (Technology…
Space Based Wildfire Detection Technology
Space Based Wildfire Detection Technology NASA – Science Wildfire-Specific Spending: Yes Wildfire Activities Funded: Research 16 TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS (IN MIL) FY2015 – FY2024 Description The Space Based Wildfire Detection Technology line item funds concept studies “to develop and demonstrate low-cost and scalable technologies that passively monitor areas of the United States susceptible to wildland fires…
NASA Disaster Support Program
NASA Disaster Support Program NASA – Science Wildfire-Specific Spending: No Wildfire Activities Funded: Research, Preparedness, Response — TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS (IN MIL) Description The NASA Disaster Support Program, under the Earth Science Applied Sciences Program, uses observations and applied research to better prepare, predict, and respond to natural disasters, including wildfires. Additional Program Notes & TCS…
NASA Wildland Fires Program
NASA Wildland Fires Program NASA – Science Wildfire-Specific Spending: Yes Wildfire Activities Funded: Research, Preparedness, Mitigation — TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS (IN MIL) Description The NASA Wildland Fires Program, under the Earth Science Applied Sciences Program, supports the improved prediction, management, and mitigation of overall impacts of wildfires, including developing research, technology, and applications to operational fire…
Fire Information for Resource Management System (FIRMS)
Fire Information for Resource Management System (FIRMS) NASA – Science Wildfire-Specific Spending: Yes Wildfire Activities Funded: Response — TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS (IN MIL) Description The FIRMS distributes near real-time fire data within 3 hours of satellite observations. NASA FIRMS has two independent platforms, FIRMS Global and FIRMS US/Canada. The program primarily uses data from the NASA…