DOI Suppression

Dept. of Interior Wildland Fire Management

Wildfire-Specific Spending: Yes

Wildfire Activities Funded: Response

FY2015 – FY2024


The DOI Suppression line item includes the range of actions taken to directly extinguish and manage wildfires, including those for resource benefits. This includes incident management and support functions; aviation assets and operations; logistical services, supplies, and equipment; temporary emergency firefighters; and personnel costs beyond those that are covered by the Preparedness program. Suppression also provides funding for post-fire emergency stabilization, which aims to prevent erosion, flooding, and mudslides.

Additional Program Notes & TCS Insights

The USFS can only access the Wildfire Fire Suppression Operations Reserve Fund, first available in FY2020, if a baseline level of funding for wildfire suppression operations is met in the underlying appropriations bill. This base level is set at the average cost over ten years for wildfire suppression operations requested in the President’s 2015 Budget, amounting to $1.011 billion for USFS and $384 million for DOI.


Regular Supplemental IIJA IRA
FY2015 291,657,000 0
FY2016 291,673,000 0
FY2017 395,000,000 0
FY2018 389,406,000 50,000,000
FY2019 388,135,000 0
FY2020 383,657,000 0
FY2021 383,657,000 0
FY2022 383,657,000 0 0 0
FY2023 0 458,657,000 0
FY2024 383,657,000 0 0
FY2025 0
FY2026 0

Last Updated: October 17, 2024

Received Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA) Funding: No

Received Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) Funding: No

Appropriations Notes

FY2023 supplemental appropriations include $75 million “to remain available until expended, for wildland fire suppression activities” and $383.657 million “available for wildfire suppression operations.” Both are reflected under the DOI Suppression account in this database.

FY2018 supplemental appropriations include $50 million for the DOI WFM account “for urgent wildland fire suppression activities and funds necessary to repay any transfers needed for these costs.” While this may have been used to reimburse spending in the FLAME account, this is reflected under the DOI WFM Suppression account in this database.