Promoting Resilient Operations for Transformative, Efficient, and Cost-Saving Transportation (PROTECT) Formula Program

Dept. of Transportation Federal Highway Administration

Wildfire-Specific Spending: No

Wildfire Activities Funded: Mitigation

P.L. 117-58

U.S.C: 23 U.S.C. §176(c)

FY2015 – FY2024


Created in the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA) in 2021, the PROTECT Formula Program provides formula funding to State Departments of Transportation for improving surface infrastructure resilience. States may use funding for planning, construction, and improvements to existing highway projects, public transportation facilities, port facilities, evacuation routes, and other coastal infrastructure.


Regular Supplemental IIJA IRA
FY2015 0
FY2016 0
FY2017 0
FY2018 0
FY2019 0
FY2020 0
FY2021 0
FY2022 0 1,400,000,000 0
FY2023 0 0 1,430,000,000
FY2024 0 0 1,460,000,000
FY2025 1,490,000,000
FY2026 1,520,000,000

Last Updated: October 17, 2024

Received Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA) Funding: Yes – New

Received Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) Funding: No

Appropriations Notes

The contract authority from the Highway Account of the Highway Trust Fund is displayed in this database.