Smart Grid Investment Grant Program (Deployment of Technologies to Enhance Grid Flexibility)

Dept. of Energy Grid Deployment Office

Wildfire-Specific Spending: No

Wildfire Activities Funded: Mitigation

P.L. 110-140

U.S.C: 42 U.S.C. §17386

FY2015 – FY2024


The Smart Grid Investment Grant Program provides 50% cost share grants for the installation of technologies deemed smart grid investment, including technologies that allow buildings to engage in demand flexibility or Smart Grid functions. Other eligible investments include metering, control, and other devices, sensors, and software; communications and broadband technologies to support smart grid deployment; technologies and programs to integrate electric vehicles to the grid; devices and software for buildings support demand flexibility and other smart grid functions; operational fiber and wireless broadband communications networks enabling data sharing between distribution system components; and advanced transmission technologies, including dynamic line rating, flow control devices, advanced conductors, and network topology optimization, to increase the operational transfer capacity transmission networks.


Regular Supplemental IIJA IRA
FY2015 0
FY2016 0
FY2017 0
FY2018 0
FY2019 0
FY2020 0
FY2021 0
FY2022 0 600,000,000 0
FY2023 0 0 600,000,000
FY2024 0 0 600,000,000
FY2025 600,000,000
FY2026 600,000,000

Last Updated: October 17, 2024

Received Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA) Funding: Yes – New

Received Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) Funding: No