USFS Preparedness

Dept. of Agriculture Forest Service Wildland Fire Management

Wildfire-Specific Spending: Yes

Wildfire Activities Funded: Preparedness

FY2015 – FY2024


The Preparedness program covers fixed costs for fire management assets in preparation for wildfire events, including training and education, firefighting equipment, and aviation costs.

Additional Program Notes & TCS Insights

The Preparedness line item funds costs associated with preparing for suppression activities and should not be confused with funding appropriated to prevent and mitigate the impacts of wildfire, such as prescribed burns and other hazardous fuels reduction.


Regular Supplemental IIJA IRA
FY2015 1,145,840,000 0
FY2016 1,082,620,000 0
FY2017 1,082,620,000 0
FY2018 1,323,520,000 0
FY2019 1,339,620,000 0
FY2020 1,339,620,000 0
FY2021 152,000,000 0
FY2022 172,000,000 0 0 0
FY2023 32,000,000 160,000,000 0
FY2024 192,000,000 0 0
FY2025 0
FY2026 0

Last Updated: October 17, 2024

Received Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA) Funding: No

Received Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) Funding: No

Appropriations Notes

In FY2023, $160 million in supplemental appropriations from Division N of the FY2023 omnibus are available for “forest fire presuppression,” a term that is not defined. In this database the $160 million is categorized as Forest Service Preparedness funding.