Agency: Department of Agriculture-Forest Service
Competitive Grants for Non-Federal Land Owners: Non-Federal Landowners Carbon Sequestration Grants
Agency: Department of Agriculture-Forest Service Description: Grants to states and other eligible entities to pay private forest landowners to increase carbon sequestration and storage on their land. Bill Section: 23002(a)(4) US Code: 16 USC 2109a New or Existing: Existing Potential Cost: $50,000,000 Timeline: FY22-31 TCS Notes: Grants made through an existing Forest…
Competitive Grants for Non-Federal Land Owners: Wood Innovation Grant Program
Agency: Department of Agriculture-Forest Service Description: Grants under the Wood Innovation Grant Program, including for the construction of new facilities and to haul material removed for hazardous fuels reduction. Bill Section: 23002(a)(5) US Code: 7 USC 7655d New or Existing: Existing Potential Cost: $100,000,000 Timeline: FY22-31 TCS Notes: No GHG emission reduction…
National Forest System Restoration and Fuels Reduction Projects: Hazardous Fuels Reduction
Agency: Department of Agriculture-Forest Service Description: To complete hazardous fuels reduction projects, defined as activities to protect structures and communities from wildfire, on National Forest System land within the Wildland Urban Interface. Bill Section: 23001(a)(1) New or Existing: Existing Potential Cost: $1,800,000,000 Timeline: FY22-31 Implementation Status/Rulemaking: According to the U.S. Forest…
National Forest System Restoration and Fuels Reduction Projects: Vegetation and Watershed Management Projects
Agency: Department of Agriculture-Forest Service Description: To enhance ecological integrity and restoration as prescribed in a Water Source Protection Plan or Watershed Protection and Restoration Action Plan. Bill Section: 23001(a)(2) US Code: 16 USC 6542(d)(1) or 6543(a)(3)) New or Existing: Existing Potential Cost: $200,000,000 Timeline: FY22-31
National Forest System Restoration and Fuels Reduction Projects: Old-Growth Forest Protection and Inventory
Agency: Department of Agriculture-Forest Service Description: To establish definitions for mature and old-growth forests, complete an inventory of old growth and mature forest conditions, and develop policy and process to preserve those conditions. Bill Section: 23001(a)(4) New or Existing: Existing Potential Cost: $50,000,000 Timeline: FY22-31
Competitive Grants for Non-Federal Land Owners: Climate Mitigation or Forest Resilience Grants
Agency: Department of Agriculture-Forest Service Description: $150 million for competitive grants through the Landscape-Scale Restoration Program to assist underserved forest landowners – beginning, in high poverty areas, federally recognized tribes, limited resource producers, or veterans – in climate mitigation or forest resilience practices; $150 million to support the participation of underserved forest landowners in…
State and Private Forestry Conservation Programs: Forest Legacy Program
Agency: Department of Agriculture-Forest Service Description: Competitive grants to States through the Forest Legacy Program to acquire land and interests in land. Bill Section: 23003(a)(1) US Code: 16 USC 2103c New or Existing: Existing Potential Cost: $700,000,000 Timeline: FY22-31 Implementation Status/Rulemaking: On June 29, 2023, USFS announced $100 million in Inflation…
State and Private Forestry Conservation Programs: Urban and Community Forestry Assistance Program
Agency: Department of Agriculture-Forest Service Description: Competitive grants to States, Territories, Tribes, local governments, or nonprofit organizations for tree planting and related activities through the Urban and Community Forestry Assistance program. Bill Section: 23003(a)(2) US Code: 16 USC 2105(c) New or Existing: Existing Potential Cost: $1,500,000,000 Timeline: FY22-31
State Fire Assistance
Agency: Department of Agriculture – Forest Service Description: State Fire Assistance, formerly known as the National Fire Capacity program, provides technical assistance and 50% cost-share grants to states. According to the Forest Service, the program’s mission is to support and assist State Foresters and local communities in building capacity for wildfire prevention, mitigation, control,…
Volunteer Fire Assistance
Agency: Department of Agriculture – Forest Service Description: The Volunteer Fire Assistance (VFA) program, formerly known as the Rural Community Fire Protection program, provides technical assistance and cost-share grants of up to 50% to volunteer fire departments that cover communities with populations of 10,000 or fewer people. According to the Forest Service, grants focus…